A downloadable game

Darth Vader must die.

The galaxy has had enough. As the orphaner and dark lord of the Sith crosses the skies of space unchallenged, more die and more suffer under his rule. But though many try to kill Vader and fail, perhaps it may be you that will succeed.

Impossible. Laughable. Foolhardy.

But hatred is a powerful tool waiting to be used. Will you be strong enough to wield it against the one who took everything from you? Will you be the one who can bring him to an ignoble end? Darth Vader must die.

Will you overcome fate to make it happen?

STRIKE DOWN VADER is a simple, combat-focused tabletop roleplaying game developed for the Star Wars franchise. Beyond its laser focus into killing Darth Vader, it is strongly developed for those who don't wish to do extra reading into the lore beyond watching the movies, and is designed to support the tone of a dark revenge story in the setting. Hope and charity have no meaning here.

What's most important about STRIKE DOWN VADER is that the goal of defeating Darth Vader is both impossible and wholly within the players' grasp. With tightly defined numbers and horrific abilities on the Dark Lord's side, players will need to shore up whatever advantages they can find to make it happen. But do they have the stomach for it?

Art, writing and options developed by Wesley K. Dance.

Core combat and game concept were created by an anonymous consultant; they are otherwise uncredited as requested.



Development log


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Hello, I had downloaded this game and two more but haven’t made a comment yet. This game is very well thought out.

Also, have you considered renaming “healing touch” to “force heal” as it’s most commonly called?

May the workers of the force unite or something like that.