A downloadable game

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Welcome to the world of Wyrlocks!

Wyrlocks, pronounced "weer-lock" or "werr-lock", are quasi-elemental beings native to the planes of magic and arcana with a love for mischief and trouble. In the bustling modern world, when fantasy has ceded to the mundane and magic isn't as prominent as in days of yore, these little beings come to remind the world that magic is just as powerful as it once was.

How, you ask? By causing as much trouble for humans as they can get away with!

But wyrlocks aren't just any humdrum casters. They have incredible magic abilities drawn from the power of the Wyrd, a torrent of magic energy from their native planes. These allow them to combine words of power into spells!

Wyrlocks! uses a unique verb-noun spell creation system that also takes into account power, casting difficulty and uses available to the player. The spells are widely interpreted for a variety of uses, but these guidelines help everyone playing to maintain a consistent experience between games by eliminating guesswork.

Wyrlocks! is released under the Creative Commons for anyone to use, duplicate, remix or alter as they like, as long as the product is non-commercial and I get some credit for writing the darn thing.

Thanks for giving my game a look, and happy casting!


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Wyrlocks.pdf 11 MB
Wyrlocks BW.pdf 4.1 MB

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I'm finding this one quite interesting. Would love to see more content for it.